Sunday, June 20, 2010

What gets rid of Lice for good?

I have read all these comments about removing lice from hair and have not found a good answer. My kids, myself have lice and tried RID did not work. Wouldn't a dr prescription be better? Help.

What gets rid of Lice for good?

You can get a stronger medication from your doctor called Lindain (something that sounds like that). But it is very toxic and should only be used as a last resort. My 11 step-daughter (who lives with us) came home one day last year with lice and I did what my best friend (who grew up in Texas and dealt with this a lot in here childhood) does and it works and is totally without harmful chemicals.

First drench all your (and your children's) hair in olive oil, wrap in a plastic cap and then in a towel. Leave on for a few hours. After that get a fine tooth comb, and with their heads upside down over the bathtub, start to comb and comb and comb their hair. After this put a bunch of conditioner in the hair and comb and comb and comb the hair more. Have the water running so that you can rinse the comb frequently. Just continue to rinse the hair, comb, and apply conditioner. This process could take quite a while but it removes the nits and the dead bugs. (The olive oil process loosens the nits (egg sacs( and smothers the bugs.) After you don't see any more bugs, towel dry the hair, add more conditioner and then sit under a bright light, have a small bowl of water next to you, then go through the hair section by section and pick out the remaining nits and put them in the water in the bowl and flush them when you are done. You also have to vacuum everything (sofas, beds, floors, etc.), wash all clothes, coats, etc. Anything that can't be washed, put in a large plastic garbage bag and put in a closet for at least 48-72 hours. Also make sure that you throw away the vacuum bag as soon as you are done. It is a time consuming process but in the end if you are diligent about it you will have gotten rid of them and not exposed your children to harmful chemicals.

This is what we did with my step-daughter and her bio mom threw a fit until our doctor commended us and completely backed us up on trying to keep her safe. We completely got rid of them and they have never returned.

What gets rid of Lice for good?

moving to a different part of town. when we where kids we lived in the poor part, and omg lice all over. but when we moved, it seemed to disappear. but the only way to prevent it, is being almost bald

What gets rid of Lice for good?

Staying away from anything with hair! LOL!

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