Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do you know people who think they're "punk, goth or emo" because they shop at Hot Top

What is it these days? Why do all these young teens think that they are a punk, a goth, or an emo kid because they buy their clothes at Hot Topic or other stores that charge 50 dollars for a pair of skinny jeans or a ripped shirt?

And kids think they're punk because they wear skate shoes and have long hair. Um, as I remember being a punk was not mass marketed.

And if a "goth" kid shops at Hot Topic then I guess they're conforming. So they're not so gothic after all.

Hot Topic is cool and all, but just because a person shops there and has a lip ring doesn't make them a punk.

Do you know people who think they're "punk, goth or emo" because they shop at Hot Topic?

hot topic used to be cool. i very much remember the days when a goth kid could go in there without fear of being called lame. same thing with a punk kid. now, its got this negitive stigmata attached to it because yeah, suddenly everyone goes in there, without realizing what goth, punk or emo really are. i agree with you. a girl will go in there, come out with a plaid skirt like avril lavigne and suddenly she is punk. a guy will go in there, come out with a black shirt with some skulls on it, and suddenly he is goth. no no no no, it doesnt work like that kids. there is much more to these things than what kids today think. i wish i could go into hot topic without giving a damn what people think. i go in there all gothed out now to look at t shirts or posters, and the scene kids look at me like i have some sort of deseise...well guess what kids...this is what real goth looks like.

Do you know people who think they're "punk, goth or emo" because they shop at Hot Topic?

I was corrected by teenagers the other day....They do not think they are punk, These days they are called Hardcore!!

Do you know people who think they're "punk, goth or emo" because they shop at Hot Topic?

My daughter shops there because that is her style. She doesn't categorize herself as any of those things. Have you talked to all of these people to see if they really do consider themselves "punk"?

I get what you are saying, but it is a broad generalization. I grew up loving The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Ramones etc...back in the day when punk was punk.

Do you know people who think they're "punk, goth or emo" because they shop at Hot Topic?

Yes!!!! this is axactaly what's going on, especialy here in the US. And they think Heavy Metal is goth.

Do you know people who think they're "punk, goth or emo" because they shop at Hot Topic?

Well that is true but some people that are truly emo, goth, or punk shop at hot topic, I have a friend that doesn't always shop at hot topic sometimes he gets jeans and customizes them to his satisfaction and they turn out looking really cool.

Do you know people who think they're "punk, goth or emo" because they shop at Hot Topic?

Yes, I actually do know some people that label themselves like that just because they shop at Hot Topic! It's truely unfortunate, that people these days feel like they HAVE to fit into a category...

Do you know people who think they're "punk, goth or emo" because they shop at Hot Topic?

What are the possibilities that teens nowadays think like that? Many.

I've seen rabid fandolism, self cutting maniacs, ninnys, mansonites...who all claim to be Goth. Apparently it gave me plenty of laughs as Hot Topic from what I heard from my American friends aren't that Goth shop you get good stuff anymore.

Moreoever, why do kids even bother spending fifty bucks over something that they could buy somewhere else at perhaps half the price? It's brand. They are restricted by brand.

I wear clothings from god-knows-where shop but they are still great and that's my style :) A chain, shirt and a pair of black pants and collared shirt could do the trick

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