Sunday, June 20, 2010

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

My sister-in-law is the godmother of one of my daughters. But yet everytime it comes around to her birthday or any of my other kids birthday, she always makes other plans, like getting her hair done, or going shopping. But when it comes to her sons birthday, me and my husband are always there. How can I tell her in a nice way that it really upsets me. Also, what would u do???

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

I can totally relate to this one! I have just come to realize that this sis-in-law is not worth my getting upset anymore...the only difference in my situation is that she no longer wishes to include my side of the family in her *kids* bday parties, however, they still **expect** me to send a check in a card. One time, I tried to conveniently forget to send the card...and my nephew made it quite clear that he didn't get the usual gift of money(!!) Anymore I send the obligatory check.

For some reason, I still feel like I have to invite them to my kids party (probably because my kids ask if they are coming everytime) so I usually say "I invited them, but we'll have to see if they can make it." I do my part- and figure if they choose to forget my kids on their bdays, my kids will realize this sooner or later...and then shame on them. It's not like you can force the issue, you can maybe say to the sister in law that your kids really would like them at the party and they are kind of bummed when they aren't able to make the party. That way it's letting them think or know that it's about the kids feelingsas well as yours.

Good luck!

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

while in private start with the truth be honest' don't change the subject at any time' and be sure to include that it might hurt your kids feelings that she is not there

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

I would just ask her why she misses such important things for her god-daughter, like birthdays? Tell her that you chose her, because you thought she could be a good influence for your daughter, but think that maybe she is not taking it seriously enough. Being a godmother to someone, takes them agreeing to be there for your child. Obviously, she isn't really interested. Replace her with someone else, if you can.

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

I would ignore it and let her be the ignorant person she is. Why did you choose her anyway?

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

I would go up to her and say, I thought u luved me, why u always making excuses when it cums to my kids , but when it comes down to yours, me and my husband will try 2 do anything 4 yours. Then say thats ok I still luv and I'm not going to be selfish becuz of your dum ways, god don't like ugly and thats what your being

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

Obviously you chose the wrong godmother for your daughter. She does not think it is all that of a big deal. Stop counting "how great you are" and "how bad she is" Do what you feel you should do and do not rely on her. It makes you sound petty. You can't change other peoples personality.

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

ask your daughter to talk to her godmother and tell her that your daughter is hoping her presence most of the others ...maybe if your daughter tell her this, she will not be angry or irritated because however your daughter still a kid.

Good Luck!!

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

Stop going to her parties and make similar excuses. She'll get the hint. if she doesn't, you'll save yourself some money and as well as the aggravation you feel, when she doesn't show up to one of your family events.

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

Well the right thing to do would be to sit her down and tell her how you two feel but......if you really wanted to get the message across conventionally have something else planned when her child's birthday is planned...whoops!

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

well be like..."can i ask you something..." how come everytime it coems aorund to my kids birthdays you alwyas ahve plans but i always come to yours"? just come stright out and ask her...there really isnt no toehr way...but be sure to tell her your not being mean or anything like that and you dont want to start stuff...good luck!!! :)

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

Next year about 3 weeks before the child's birthday say something like.......Mary remember that we're celebrating Johnny's birthday on July 19th don't plan anything like you did last year because we really want you to be there, you are Johnny's godmother after all. Then it's up to her what she does and if she still misses it I would never bring it up again.

Going to her son's birthday isn't for her it's for her son and if you want to celebrate his birthday don't let her rudeness stop you from being there.

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

I wouldn't say anything to her. When your daughter gets older she can ask this woman why she never attended her b-day parties. You know how blunt kids can be. I would still go to her son's b-days party and refuse to set an example like she does.

How would you handle your sister-in-law if?????

this is petty but very straightforward, just make plans when it is time for her son's birthday this should make your point to her hopefully.

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