Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successful

I have 3 kids with lice that just won't go away.I 've done shampoos, combed, hair cuts,but no long results. Please help!!!

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

Try Lice Kiler on this site. They claim army rangers use it in the battlefield. If it's good eough for our troops then it's got to be good, right?


I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

I too use the LiceKiller, it is great stuff, i have 4 kids 3 are girls. and they got it all the time, but the lice killer has a repellant as well, works. Report It

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

It really does work Report It

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

omg! call a doctor

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

Shaved head is the BEST way. kind of harsh but it works.

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

it could be in there beds or any were in your house. i think that there is a spray. or it could be from "play dates" or school any were there is anether child.

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

get medical help. That way, you can get stronger prescription stuff as well as guidance with what you can do. Also, try to wash anything in your house that could harbor lice and that your kids have used. Clean clothes, hats, matresses, sheets, stuffed animals, furniture, and even carpeting if you must.

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

put a little vinegar behind each ear and on the crown of the head which are the main breeding sites for head lice

wash and condition hair daily, leaving conditioner on very thick while combing with a nit comb - the conditioner stops the lice from clinging to the hair

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

been there done that. also had three kids with lice. don't let the kids use combs or hats from each other or other kids. you can get rid, or go into the drug store and ask them the for the best stuff for lice. vacuum everything. wash the bedding for all the beds. be careful that you and your husband don't get it either. it is not you, I am sure you are clean. you think the first thing, O my goodness I am dirty, but it is not true. don't let anyone tell you different

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

i know this is drastic, but why not shave their hair off?

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

Personally never had the problem, but you can buy over the counter shampoo (drug) for it, just go to any pharmacy and ask the pharmacist which one is recommended and you need to find out where the kids are picking up these creatures, as in from school, neighborhood friends, family, you get rid of these creatures and the kids keep going back to this place or being around these people that have not effectively taken care of their infestation. Without hurting anybody's feelings or accusing them, just ask people, casually, that you are around frequently if they have had any problems with the same issue. Whoever says 'yes' then recommend whatever the pharmacists recommends to you, as you already know the problem will reoccur. Or buy some extra and offer it to them as a "gift" and say "oh, really, well I tried xyz and it worked great for the kids, here WHY don't you try it"...Thus, you take care of your problem at home and at someone else's home so it won't keep showing up at your house.

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

Yes vacuum every rug and floor in the house. Wash and clean pillows and blankets. Vacuum and spray mattresses with lice killer. You'll need to also wash all laundry in their rooms, and vacuum and spray couches etc.

The doctor I saw had me use mayonnaise on my girls heads. Slather it on, put a shower cap on the head and leave it on for 7 hours. The lice are completely suffocated and you are not using heavy chemicals on your children.

This worked wonderfully for my girls and they had wonderfully soft hair to boot!!

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

Seal anything their heads could have touched in a zipper bag for a week, spray the floors, matresses, chairs, couch, etc. with medicated spray and treat them again.

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

i have 5 girls... have had problems with them bringing home the critters in the past. i used mayo on their hair. not fat free mayo ...regular manayse. wrapped their hair in plastic wrap and let it on all night long. the fat in the mayo smothers the eggs. next morning i washed the hair out with dish washing detergent and combed out the nits and dead bugs. then i used nix to prevent the bugs from coming back. i vacumed everything i could for 7 days ... kept dolls and stuffed toys in a garbage bag air tightly sealed for 30 days.change bed sheets, every other day for 7 days. alot of work but i get rid of them the first treatment. check hair every day for 2 weeks. do a second nix treatment on day 8.

I desperately need help with lice infestation . Has any body been able to get rid of lice successfully?

In addition to all the other advice, I have heard that using shampoo and conditioner with tea tree oil repells the critters. I have also seen spray in the pharmacy that is supposed to prevent infestation. Any one who says they or some one in their family have never had lice is a liar. I found out the source of my kids lice, all the teacher did is move her desk away from a child she was friends with. Most schools have carpet now don't they know that it is a breeding ground for the critters.

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