Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why dont girls at school try to come after me?

im in 10th grade and im not an ugly kid. im about 5'7 light brown hair,dress pretty nice,im clean, but i am kind skinny and not very muscular but i am athletic i play hockey and basketball. i just dont see why girls show no interest in coming after me or even showing signs of flirting with me? and its not like i dont put an effort out to meet girls and flirt with girls.

Why dont girls at school try to come after me?

girls are typically really shy. most girls that i know would never tell a guy that she likes him until she gets confirmation that he likes her. it's stupid but true. there are probably girls who have liked you, but have been too afraid to make the first move. so, i suggest that if you really want a girlfriend, put yourself out there more; find somebody you really like and try pursuing her individually, rather than flirting with random girls. become her friend, ask her out to dinner, be a gentlemen. if she likes you back, you'll be able to tell.

Why dont girls at school try to come after me?

Girls like guys who ar REALLY fat so they feel skinnier.

Why dont girls at school try to come after me?

They probably expect you to make the first move on them

Why dont girls at school try to come after me?

I think it's because you spend too much time watching tv shows and wishing they would come to you!

SERIOUSLY: If you don't go to them and start being with your friends, they will start thinking you are gay!

Why dont girls at school try to come after me?

Just feel confident =)

Why dont girls at school try to come after me?

Honey, don't give up yet--you've got a Lot of living ahead of you. Things are going to change many times for you over the next few years. Something you should know...girls your age can be really Dumb about choosing boyfriends! Sad to say many of them will get hung up on guys who treat them like crap, and tell the nice guys things like "I could never go out with you bc you're like a brother to me and I'd never want to risk ruining our friendship". Well, trust me, most of them get smart eventually and realize that Friendship makes the best base for a lasting romantic relationship. So hang in there, keep being yourself, and I'll bet in the next few years some nice and smart girl will realize how cool you are.

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