Thursday, November 26, 2009

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

I'm 16, a sophomore soon to be junior in high school. I've been going out with the same guy for a year and a half. He is 17 and a Junior this year going on Senior. My family likes him and his family likes me. We're together most of the time and i never get "bored" with him. I really do think i am in love. This is so much different then all my friends "relationships" we know everything about each other and don閳ユ獩 have to hide things. He閳ユ獨 the only person i feel comfortable around with no make up and messy hair.. I mean i can see how stupid a lot of the kids my age are with dating and how stupid and ignorant people sound when they say they "love" some one they dont really know. But i know everything there is to know about him and he knows everything about me and we really do think we are in love.

And im just wondering how many people you know of that have married their boyfriend or girlfriend from when they were 16 or 17?? Any cute highschool relationship stories?

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

honey im 20 and married my middle school sweetheart and we are still very much in love we have been together 7 years and exspecting our first child. love is real buit it also tricky. my advise to all is that if ur in love and meant to be love will find away dont rush it

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

To be honest, i dont know anyone who married their childhood sweetheart. I thought i would marry mine and after 5 years he turned out like a jerk, now im with a great guy !!!! Do what you believe in honey and it will all turn out fine. Be true to yourself though

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

Awww....sounds pretty good so far. When I was 16 and started dating my high school sweetheart, I hoped that we would be together forever. We only lasted about 4 years though, and now he's married and has a little boy. I would say best of luck, but only time will tell. The most important thing now is whether or not you can grow together, because people change so much from 16 to 25, and it's really a never ending process.

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

Well I been goin with my gf since i was 14yo. I have known her all my life. And we are gettin married this sept. on my 19th birthday.

And we aint got no reservations. we know we love each other and yeah to the bein comfortable together no matter what we look like, what mood were in, dirty, smelly...whatever. It's awesome btw.

It aint the norm, but norm is nothin to me.

And i could tell u lots of stories, but i ain't plannin on bein on here all nite.

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

I graduated high school in 1994 and all the high school sweetheats that got married are now divorced. I graduated college in 1998 and although we didn't date in college I married my best friend in 2002. We met when I was 19 and he was 21. All but one of my college friends are still married to their college sweethearts.

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

I met my hubby while I was in high school. I was 16 and he was 19. I had our son when I was 18. We married when I was 20. It has now been 10 years and we still very much in love. I still get those butterflies in my stomach when he comes around....

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

I am married to my highschool sweetheart and I have been for 8 years. We have two boys, also. We got married during our senior year of school because we were in love. It isn't common that people actually do marry in school or marry hs sweethearts. I know a few couples who got pregnant, got married, and are now divorced. A few others just got married too young and divorced. Most people your age are very immature. We were both 18 and alot more mature than our classmates. We were young though so our families weren't too sure about it. But we knew it was different. The only thing is are young and there are many things that you won't experience if you get married too young. I wouldn't suggest getting married immediately. And you each need to have hobbies and things to do apart so you won't get annoyed with each other. There's nothing wrong with staying together, as long as both of you are honest and want the same things. It has to be more than just physical, too. If you both are at the same place in your life, go for a long engagement. I wouldnt push things, just let them progress naturally. By the way...we are working on getting pregnant with our third child! Good luck!

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

I can tell you that I married my high school sweetheart. I met him when I was 14 and he was 16. We dated until I graduated....3 1/2 years and got married as soon as I graduated high school. We've been married for 8 years in July and are going on having our 2nd and 3rd children(twins). I couldn't be happier. So don't let other people try to discourage you from how you feel. You need to go with what you feel is best for you and ignore others negative advice or opinions about you guys. If you two are happy, then thats what really counts, and just see how it goes until you guys graduate!

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

i was 16 when i meet my now husband. we married when i on my 18th birthday and then had our first child when i was almost 19 and we will celebrate out 6th anniversary in Sept. so it does work out. and from what you told us it sound very positive for you. ~~~good luck~~~

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

it will depend on you., if it's your/his decision is to stay with you for the rest of your/his life then you'll become a married highschool sweet hearts.,

my girlfriend and I were together for 3 yrs. and 4 months...and still getting stronger...

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

I didn't marry my high school sweetheart. He was hit by a drunk driver on his way to work the year we graduated(we were engaged) we buried him on his birthday. However a few years later I met a man on a blind date. We were both in college and my best friend and his best friend had been dating for years. They ended up breaking up however my blind date and I ended up getting married and we've been married for over 25 years and we have two girls(25 and 14) and a boy(23). So does your college sweetheart count also?I was 19 and he was 21 when we met.

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

i think most people marry their hgh school swetheart i did we met our junior year a few months later we moved together had our own place and been together ever since 6 years and we still have fun and love each other so much we are engaged and planning our wedding the best thiing is that u communicate and u both want the same thing in the fututre kids money and happiness

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

I have been with my soon to be husband since i we were 16. im now 21. we are getting married next year and axpecting our first baby in August.

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

Don't fret over it! If you marry him you marry him...if you don't you'll find "the one" later on. Personally, I'm married to the guy I've been with since 9th grade (we've never even broken up), my parents dated on and off through middle and high school before getting married in college (they celebrated their 25th anniversary last month), my two "uncles" have both been with their wives since high school as well. However one of my aunts married her high school sweetheart straight out of graduation and ended up divorcing him about 10 years later. Don't try to force anything. Just be committed now and see how things go as time goes by. No matter what you'll be all right.

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

my mom and dad did it, but they had been going out earlier than that, she was 13 he was 15. And me and my boyfriend are planning on getting married. Yet you don't really know some one untill you have lived with them though.

Good luck with you and him :)

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

frankly 1 out of 10 marry their high school sweethearts.....

bt wen both of ur families no abt u people theres no problem....

any relationship needs undrstanding, caring, love n frndship.....and if u hv all this.....u ll b surely happy wid ur sweetheart....

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

I certainly did not and I dont know anyone who did - hell not even my grandparents dated in HS. My sister went to the same school as her husband but they didnt date until years later and were only acquaintances in school.

Moving away and/or going to college pretty much doom all HS relationships - even commuters meet new people at school and to be honest I would slit my wrists if I were married today to the person I was with at 16!!!!

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

2 of my uncles, but they are the only high school sweethearts i know that are stil together, don't plan big yet if it last another 2 years then you might want to ask these questions, not that you don't already want to ask these questions but its useless right now.

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

2 of my uncles, but they are the only high school sweethearts i know that are stil together, don't plan big yet if it last another 2 years then you might want to ask these questions, not that you don't already want to ask these questions but its useless right now.

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

my parents were high school sweethearts!! they started dating when the were 15 and 16 yrs old and they got married at 19 and 20 yrs old and have been happily married for 22 yrs!! its sooo cute (:

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

It seems like you two really care about each other! Thats cute, and you sound really mature!

Well, my dad and stepmom are high school sweethearts. After high school my dad left for the military and so they broke up im guessing. He met my mom there and they had a few kids. But then they divorced. Then they found each other again, and in 2000 they got married in Alaska! (we live in Hawaii)

Theres a chance for high school sweethearts to marry each other, even if they do part for awhile. Well, good luck to you two!! :)

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

I don't even remember my high school sweat hearts name!

How many people marry their highschool sweethearts?

Hardly anyone marries their high school sweethearts.

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