Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fun easy riddles? we did in school for bonus?

first person to get them ALL right wins, must answer all, sorry if they've already been put up. I know they're old but that's what makes them easy

1. Mark had 20 sheep all but 15 died, how may does he have left?

2. you and Eddie go to the store he buys a bag of 24 apples, gives 8 to janes , make a pie with 5, you steal 3, how many do you have?

3. if a red house is made of red wood and a white house is made of red wood, what's a green house made of?

4. what do you brush your hair with, sit on and sleep on?

5. you drive a bus full of kids from Manhattan to Miami, stopped for gas 5 times and fill it up for $80 each time, stopped for food 4 times, dropped some of the kids off in Washington DC, and some more in Atlanta, the whole trip took 9hrs, got 4 speeding tickets, what's the bus driver's name?

Fun easy riddles? we did in school for bonus?

1. 15

2. 3

3. glass

4. a hairbrush, a chair, and a bed

5. my name is Lori

Fun easy riddles? we did in school for bonus?






Fun easy riddles? we did in school for bonus?



plants/glass/transparent material


im not given my name out in public

Fun easy riddles? we did in school for bonus?

1) 15

2) 3 apples

3) plastic

4) hair brush, chair, bed

5) My name is Lyn

Fun easy riddles? we did in school for bonus?

1. 15

2. 3

3. red wood?

4. A chair, a bed and a hairbrush

5. Collin

Fun easy riddles? we did in school for bonus?



3)red wood


5)my name is mags

Fun easy riddles? we did in school for bonus?

1.15 sheep

2.i have 3 apples wood


5.angela (cause i'm the bus driver dur!)

Fun easy riddles? we did in school for bonus?

1- None. The others ran away. (I'm sure this is asked differently so this answer will fit the riddle)

2- 3

3- Glass.

4- Shirt/Dress.

5- I'm driving the bus so it's my name you're looking for.

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